As we are quickly approaching October, the sweltering temperatures of the Sun City are beginning to decrease. As a result, some El Pasoans are getting ready to switch from using their A/C all day to needing some heating. However, every year, some people will try to use their heaters once the weather cools down, only […]
Though we are fortunate enough to have generally mild fall and winter weather, El Paso is susceptible to the occasional freezing temperatures and snow. Going home to a warm home is a comfort that so many of us take for granted until the worst happens — our home is unbelievably cold! The first thought that […]
Living in El Paso can lure people into a false sense of security. The weather tends to remain the same so often that we feel truly bamboozled when a cold front comes our way. Now that we’re deep in the throes of winter, it’s time to prepare for the inevitable cold that will eventually permeate […]