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Keeping Your Home Comfortable This Holiday Season

Keeping Your Home Comfortable This Holiday Season

The holidays are here, which means you may be expecting guests in your home for a period of time. While it may not be as cold in El Paso as it is in other areas of the country, it can be cold for us, which means our heating and cooling systems have their work cut […]

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Simple Tips On Keeping Your Home Warm During the Winter

Simple Tips On Keeping Your Home Warm During the Winter

Living in El Paso can lure people into a false sense of security. The weather tends to remain the same so often that we feel truly bamboozled when a cold front comes our way. Now that we’re deep in the throes of winter, it’s time to prepare for the inevitable cold that will eventually permeate […]

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What To Do When Your Home’s Facing Central Heating Issues

What To Do When Your Home’s Facing Central Heating Issues

As the year comes to a close and the cold winds begin to—finally—blow, El Pasoans all across town are starting to realize that yes, it can get cold here too. Thankfully, there are companies that can help homeowners in the El Paso area keep their homes warm during the winter and cool throughout the rest […]

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4 Science-Backed Reasons You Should Convert to Refrigerated Air

4 Science-Backed Reasons You Should Convert to Refrigerated Air

Science holds the answers to a better future, and that better future includes refrigerated air. Refrigerated air presents us the opportunity to effectively cool our homes without killing the environment to do so. Refrigerated air conditioning is the future of AC. At Omega Electrical, we can help you convert today! Here are four science-backed reasons […]

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Right Now is the Perfect Time to Convert Your HVAC

Right Now is the Perfect Time to Convert Your HVAC

There is a chill in the air as the cool weather descends upon the Sun City. The last thing on your mind as you enjoy your pumpkin spice latte and start taking those winter clothes out of storage is refrigerated air. Autumn is in full effect, and although El Paso starts its cold season much […]

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The Truth About Converting to Refrigerated Air

The Truth About Converting to Refrigerated Air

As with any new advancement in society, what’s old is left in the past while what’s new quickly overtakes the vacancy. Smartphones have quickly taken over home phones and landlines, for instance. This forward advancement is proof that we, as a society, are changing for the better with each passing year. Not all advancements are […]

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Converting to Refrigerated Air: Why Haven’t You Done It Yet?

Converting to Refrigerated Air: Why Haven’t You Done It Yet?

Air conditioning is a big deal in El Paso, Texas. Depending on how you’re keeping your home cool during the summer, you need to be aware of the better ways to achieve and maintain comfort within your home. If you have a swamp cooler, you may want to consider AC conversions from Omega Electrical and […]

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