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3 Easy Ways to Save on Energy Consumption

3 Easy Ways to Save on Energy Consumption

When the we ushered in the new decade on January 1st, 2020, no one had any inkling as to what this year would have in store for us. Although there were already quiet rumblings of a novel coronavirus as early as January from the World Health Organization, it would be impossible to guess how the […]

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COVID-19 & Your HVAC Systems: What You Need To Know

COVID-19 & Your HVAC Systems: What You Need To Know

As the world slows down because of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions have stayed home to stay safe. Home has become a symbol of safety in these trying times, even as the isolation takes a toll on some of us. By staying at home, people have been able to slow the spread of the coronavirus and, […]

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5 Tips For Keeping Your Energy Bill Down

5 Tips For Keeping Your Energy Bill Down

The world is, in many ways, a shadow of its once-bustling self. The cacophony of cars and concerts, restaurants and parks, has been traded for more deafening silence. It’s been an adjustment for many, suddenly spending several more hours at home. While you may be saving money in gas, you’re likely having to spend more […]

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Battle Your Allergies With These Spring HVAC Tips

Battle Your Allergies With These Spring HVAC Tips

It’s officially springtime in El Paso, and beautiful, sunny days are upon us! The trees and flowers are blooming, and warm desert air is cascading over the city. As the weather gets better, though, the pollen emerges and those of us with allergies go to war with nature. As HVAC experts, we’re always amazed that […]

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Toasty Tips For Staying Warm This Texas Winter

Toasty Tips For Staying Warm This Texas Winter

This winter in El Paso has been interesting, to say the least. One minute it’s near 70 degrees, and the next there’s a blanket of snow enveloping the city. We love snow as much as the next company, but we can’t make heads or tails of the weather lately! One thing that has been consistent […]

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The Benefits Of Refrigerated Air

The Benefits Of Refrigerated Air

In the Southwest, evaporative coolers (also known as swamp coolers) were once the gold standard of temperature control. In fact, some form of evaporative cooling has been used for thousands of years, with places like Egypt and Iran having evidence of more simple versions of the technology.  Swamp coolers are great in arid climates like […]

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The Dangers of Christmas Lights

The Dangers of Christmas Lights

Christmas lights are beautiful and are always fun to see as you drive through your neighborhood, but if they aren’t placed properly, in a safe area, and are forgotten, they are potentially very dangerous. Fires during the holiday season should be reserved for fireplaces only. Here are some ways to keep your home beautiful, festive, […]

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Electrical Tips For The Holidays: Staying Safe And Jolly

Electrical Tips For The Holidays: Staying Safe And Jolly

The holidays are in full swing, with the candy hangover of Halloween clearing up just in time for the food coma of Thanksgiving. The holiday season is perfect for gorging on your favorite food and indulging in the company of friends and family. However, the joy of the holiday season leads some people to make […]

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Important Tips for Fall HVAC Care 

Important Tips for Fall HVAC Care 

With the chilly El Paso air enveloping the city, the fall festivities are in full swing. Fall and winter jackets that laid dormant since early spring are making an appearance, and tricks and treats can be found everywhere you go. However, it’s also a time of year where HVAC has to make the crucial shift […]

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Trusting Expert Commercial Electricians For Your Business

Trusting Expert Commercial Electricians For Your Business

In commercial environments, electrical elements can be vastly more intricate and complicated than in a residential setting.  Heavy machinery, complex layouts, and larger power outputs necessitate more complex electrical layouts. Each industry has it’s own needs as well, so finding the best ways to structure the electrical systems is crucial for efficiency and safety. In […]

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